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Macroeconomics and Inequality

Mon, Aug 15 2022, 9:00am - Tue, Aug 16 2022, 5:00pm PDT
Lucas Conference Center, Room A
Landau Economics Building
579 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford
[In person session]

Macroeconomics increasingly emphasizes inequality. When heterogeneous agents interact in frictional markets, macro aggregates depend on the distribution of wealth and cannot be characterized by a representative agent. At the same time, macro shocks and policies have redistributive effects. Now in its fourth edition, this session aims to bring together researchers working on macro and inequality. We welcome theoretical work on heterogeneous agent models, empirical studies with micro data and combinations thereof. We expect to attract both macroeconomists as well as applied microeconomists working on labor economics, firm dynamics, international economics, urban economics and household finance.

Organized by

Adrien Auclert, Stanford University
Corina Boar, New York University
Kurt Mitman, IIES Stockholm
Christopher Tonetti, Stanford Graduate School of Business


View schedule and register here to attend