Session 7: Experimental Economics
- Christine Exley, Harvard Business School
- Muriel Niederle, Stanford University
- Alvin Roth, Stanford University
- Lise Vesterlund, University of Pittsburgh
This workshop will be dedicated to advances in experimental economics combining laboratory and field-experimental methodologies with theoretical and psychological insights on decision-making, strategic interaction and policy. We would invite papers in lab experiments, field experiments and their combination that test theory, demonstrate the importance of psychological phenomena, and explore social and policy issues. In addition to senior faculty members, invited presenters will include junior faculty as well as graduate students.
In This Session
Monday, August 10, 2020
9:00 am - 9:00 am PDT
Overriding in Teams: The Role of Beliefs, Social Image, and Gender
9:30 am - 10:00 am PDT
Information and the Persistence of the Gender Wage Gap: Early Evidence from California's Salary History Ban
Aiming to reduce the gender wage gap, several states and cities have recently adopted legislation that prohibits employers from asking about previously earned salaries. The advocates of these salary history bans (SHBs) have suggested pay history perpetuates past discrimination. We study the early net impact of the first state-wide SHBs. Using both difference-in-difference and synthetic control approaches, we find the gender earnings ratio increased by 1 percent in states with SHBs. We find these population wide increases are driven by an increase of the gender earnings ratio for households with all children over 5 year old, by workers over 35, and are principally driven by those who have recently switched jobs.
10:00 am - 10:30 am PDT
Attention as Human Capital
10:30 am - 11:00 am PDT
Break - Discussion
11:00 am - 11:30 pm PDT
Social Learning in Groups: an Experimental Study
11:30 am - 12:00 pm PDT
Beliefs in Repeated Games
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm PDT
Beyond Ordinal: The Value of Indifferences and Cardinal Information in Matching
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm PDT
Break - Discussion
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
9:30 am - 9:45 am PDT
The Burden of Holding Debt
9:45 am - 10:00 am PDT
Claiming Credit: Gender, Memory, and Social Norms
10:00 am - 10:15 am PDT
It’s Not my Fault: Excuse-Seeking Behavior in the Intertemporal Domain
10:15 am - 10:30 am PDT
Do Actions Speak Louder than Motives? Evaluating the Effectiveness of Image-Fundraising
10:30 am - 11:00 am PDT
Break - Discussion
11:00 am - 11:30 am PDT
Fairness Across the World: Preferences and Beliefs
11:30 am - 12:00 pm PDT
Moral Commitment or Flexibility? Preferences for Information Order
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm PDT
Digital Addiction
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm PDT