Timetable for Doctoral Degree
First Year
Enroll in Doctoral Core (10 units each quarter): Econ 202, 210, 271 (autumn), Econ 202, 211, 271 (winter) and Econ 204, 212, 272 (spring)
If waived out of any first year core courses, supplement study list with second year field or distribution courses
Attend First-Year Seminar
Enroll in Directed Reading under adviser's section number for summer
Plan program of study in consultation with adviser(s)
Second Year
- Enroll in 8 to 10 units of field and distribution courses each quarter of the regular academic year (autumn, winter, and spring)
- Fulfill history requirement
- Fulfill requirements of RA position or proceed with your own research if on fellowship support
- Identify adviser to oversee 2nd year paper in the spring quarter
- Finalize program of study in consultation with advisor(s)
- Transfer credit from outside institutions (submit residency credit application) or choose a Master’s Degree (recommended to be done by the end of second year, but can be completed anytime before the student goes TGR)
- Complete draft or final version of second year paper over summer quarter (due by first day of fall quarter in third year)
Third Year
- Enroll in 8 to 10 units each quarter of the regular academic year (autumn, winter, and spring quarters)
- Submit second year paper by first day of autumn quarter
- Submit application to Advance to candidacy by first day of autumn quarter
- Finish taking any remaining field or distribution courses
- Enroll in third year seminar in autumn and spring quarters
- Enroll in at least one field seminar each quarter
- Secure a primary dissertation adviser and attend third year review in spring quarter
Fourth Year
Assist in research and/or teaching
Continue to enroll in field seminars and present research in seminars and lunch workshops
Formalize reading committee, obtain signatures and submit reading committee form to Student Services Manager
Clear any outstanding (incomplete or GNR) grades with instructors in preparation for going TGR at end of year
If eligible, apply for TGR status after completing 135 units and all course-related degree requirements (typically, transfer credit is necessary in order to reach TGR in 4th year)
Note that going TGR as soon as you are eligible is required in order to be eligible for the fifth-year funding guarantee
Fifth Year and Beyond
- Assist in research and/or teaching
- Apply for TGR status. Students in their final quarter apply for Graduation Quarter tuition status.
- Determine with your advisers if you will go on the job market in 5th or 6th year.
- Complete research for and write dissertation
- Schedule University Oral Examination (fifth or sixth year)
- Make revisions to dissertation after the Oral Examination
- Submit dissertation to the University (final quarter of program)
- Graduate!
Each of these steps requires action and documentation by the student. Students must ensure that each step is completed and that all appropriate parties have taken the necessary actions. See the Degree Progress Self-Tracking Checklist at the end of this Handbook.