Non-Matriculated Students
Visiting Student Researcher
In limited instances, it is to the benefit of Stanford faculty to permit persons who have not yet obtained a Ph.D. (or its foreign equivalent), or who are not recognized experts in their fields, to engage in research on the Stanford campus using Stanford research facilities. Such instances might include students at other universities who are engaged in graduate-level research in a field of interest to the faculty member, or students doing laboratory rotations as part of a larger research study or grant. Invitations are valid or one calendar year, up to four quarters. For more information, see the Registrar's Visiting Student Researcher pages.
Postdoctoral Scholars
Are trainees in residence at Stanford University pursuing advanced studies beyond the doctoral level in preparation for an independent career. Postdoctoral scholars are appointed for a limited period of time and may participate in Stanford research projects and/or may be supported by external awards or fellowships. In all cases, their appointment at Stanford is for the purpose of advanced studies and training under the sponsorship of a Stanford faculty member.
For more information, see the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.
Nonmatriculated Graduate Student
Eligibility for consideration for nonmatriculated enrollment in Economics courses is restricted to two groups of applicants:
- Stanford alumni who wish to return to Stanford to take courses that are prerequisites for Medical School admission, such as undergraduate Biology or Chemistry courses.
- Individuals who have been admitted as pre-doctoral students via the SIEPR/Economics predoctoral research fellows program:
For more information, see the Stanford Bulletin.
Summer Visitor
The Summer Visitor Program is for students who are not presently candidates for a Stanford degree. It is open to students who are currently enrolled in or have graduated from another college or university. Qualified high school students who have completed at least their sophomore year may apply to the Summer College program.
For more information, see Summer Session.
Exchange and Cross-Enrollment Agreements
Stanford has exchange programs and cross-enrollment agreements with a number of other colleges and universities.
For more information, see the Stanford Bulletin.
Summer English Program
Stanford's English for Foreign Students offers a program in Intensive English. Courses are open to students outside of Stanford who meet the program requirements. For information, see the Summer English Program web site.
Auditor or Permit to Attend
Nonmatriculated students may apply for an auditor status (for those affiliated with Stanford only no fee). Individuals not affiliated with Stanford may apply for Permit To Attend Status with fee in order to audit courses. To apply, see the Registrar's forms page.